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March 11 every year...everywhere

Plumbing-vital to Global Health


Many people in developed countries throughout the world take plumbing for granted. They simply turn on a tap or faucet and obtain clean water. Flushing toilets are standard in many countries. However, little thought is given to the engineering expertise provided by plumbers that ensures these systems operate as intended. 


In developing countries on the other hand, plumbing is either non existent or at best very basic. People suffer serious health consequences and millions of people die as a result of lack of access to clean water and in effective sanitation.


According to the World Health Organisation: 1.1 billion people do not have access to safe water supplies. 2.6 billion people do not have access to improved sanitation and 3.1 million children die each year from water related diseases.


Effective Plumbing systems would improve all of these Statistics.


Plumbing deserve to be  respected, and for that reason the World Plumbing Council (est. 1990 and recognised as a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) in official relations with the World Health Organisation) has created World Plumbing day (on March 11 each year) as a means of highlighting the important role played by today's plumbing industry.


Learn more about activities, view a calendar, read about past World Plumbing Days, download fact sheets, view video address by the World Plumbing Council Chairman and much more at

National Groundwater Awareness

Week of March 11 - 17

Life as we know it would be impossible without groundwater. It is the world's most extracted natural resource, and it supports our ecosystems. 


Don't take groundwater for granted. Pay it forward during National Groundwater Awareness Week, March 11-17, 2018, by letting others know the importance of groundwater and asking them to pass it along.


Learn more about how you can get involved at

World Plumbing Day

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